Treasure Book Codes

We have the largest selection of Coin Codes to unlock costume items in the Treasure Book or to unlock RARE Special and Very Unique items that have been offered from time to time.  To begin with we are offering Codes that will unlock three (3) Treasure Book items of your choice!

These Codes will be emailed to you, so you don't have to wait on the mail, and if you are overseas, there is no expensive shipping costs.

COST- We have a limited supply of these coins.  For now they are being offered at $6.50 each, and each coin will unlock three (3) current Treasure Book items that you choose.

HOW TO BUY - Send me an email with the number of coins you would like to purchase, and I will email back a PayPal link.  Once payment is received I will email your codes to you.

HOW TO USE - Go to the Treasure Book on the Club Penguin website.  Once in the Treasure Book, click through that you have a code to enter.  When the screen for the code appears, carefully enter your code.

1 = $6.50
2 = $13.00
3 = $19.50
4 = $26.00
5 = $32.50
6 = $39.00
7 = $45.50
8 = $52.00
9 = $58.50
10 = $65.00
COMING SOON - We will be posting a number of very special Codes that unlock one Unique Costume item for your Puffles and one Treasure Book Costume Item for your Penguin.  The Unique Puffle items include, football helmets, wigs, bandanas and hats.  They are truly most rare and coolest of the Puffle items you will find.

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